# CAS Short Talks May 2020 [Dave Everitt](https://daveeveritt.org/art.html) and [Fania Raczinski](https://fania.eu)
## About us **Dave**: - **Fine Art** (Trent) > Loughborough > IoCT, De Montfort - 1980s: **magic square** Hypercard stack - 1990s: [cubeLife](https://cubelife.org) (Loughborough costart etc.) - 2000s-now: **IoCT**, De Montfort **Fania**: - 2007: **Sudoku** solver, **Computer Science** Leicester - 2010: live **motion tracking** artwork, Masters IoCT - 2017: PhD [**NLP artwork + research**](https://pata.physics.wtf) - 200s-now: **IoCT**, De Montfort
# Dave & Fania: collaborating Research: [**Creative Zombie Apocalypse**](https://daveeveritt.org/presentations/ISCC2016/#/) (2016)
# Dave & Fania: collaborating Art: **Personal Space** (2019)
## Matrices: magic square 
## The magic line 
# Ancient software (Hypercard) 
# cubeLife (heartbeat, 1999) 
# Current software [](https://squares.cubelife.org)
# Current software controls 
# Aims & research - research creative **visual combinations** - simplify **pattern** categories using **comparison** algorithms - eliminate **duplicate** patterns - explore **larger-order** squares (now 3-20) - invite contributions from **magic square community** - engage in **mathematical collaboration** - produce public works (**print/video/projection**)
# First work: "880"  Interact, Leicester 2019
## Symmetry-asymmetry 
## Overlay all (animation still) 
## Extract quadvertex (animation async)
## Overlay all (animation still) 
## Extract straight (animation async)